Wednesday 25 July 2012


Goodbye Year 1

Only a month until I officially become a second year, then the trouble all begins again! To be honest I think it's a miracle I've made it this far without having a mental breakdown.
  The exam wasn't to bad yesterday the A&P questions went my way but the maths section I'm sure I've failed but that's something that I can work on a bit more and work harder at. Now it's SO hot in Norwich I don't know what to do with myself I think Norwich weather had Bipolar because it rained for 2 weeks straight now it's about 27 degrees. Still it's a nice way to end the year my room currently looks like it's been hit by a bomb ready for moving back :( I'm sad because I liked this place although it was hugely overpriced and the kitchen was always messy it was still a really nice place to spend my first year away from home !
 For the next 6 weeks I refuse to talk or even think about midwifery, which is much easier said than done. Plus when I'm not doing something midwifery related I'm bored out of my skull because there's nothing to do. I definitely couldn't be unemployed with nothing to do all day I think I'd kill myself!
 I also managed to work out the reason behind the amount I've been able to save... Midwifery = No life and no time meaning that I never had the time to go shopping. Now however I have the whole day hahahah and I got my bursary on Friday so I'm feeling a little spending spree coming on! :)

Hello Norwich shopping !!!

Friday 20 July 2012

Exam dreams

Woke up this morning in a daze, I'm not sure whether it was the alcohol or just the sheer concentration that has been put into the last few weeks but I had a very odd dream last night that caused me to wake up in a bit of a sweat.

Picture this if you will...

Sitting in an exam room having prepared for 3 weeks solid on midwifery, I open the booklet and read the first and only question worth 50 marks.

The question " A child is in need of it's 5 year vaccination, which vaccinations are recommended and how would they be given?"

Honestly I've never felt so sick in all my life!

Waking up in a hot sweat I was very pleased to see the four walls on my room...

This my friends is what I call a small breakdown. I really would just like the exam tomorrow and to go home and cuddle my ginger puss.

To add to my stress I had arranged my year 1 final interview today. I arrived on time and waited to get started as I wondered over another student barged in having been 30 minutes late for her appointment. I explained to her the rules of you snooze you lose but in a much more polite way and was sure it was her tough luck that she would have to come back in her own time. However, when the lecturer made her way out she ordered me away because apparently the other student was first. Now that may be so. BUT. She had missed her whole appointment and it was now my slot. Apparently though this was my fault and I would need to come back again on Monday when I should really be revising so I can sit for an hour and listen to her drivel.

Wonderful! As you can imagine that was the cherry on top of the cake and I just walked off feeling as if I'd done something wrong.

Monday 9 July 2012

I'm pretty good at revision

Turns out I'm pretty good at self motivating. I think the fact that the exams are not far off are probably the reason why I'm doing so well. I quite like this DIY attitude, whether I'm actually learning the right things though is anybodies guess. Otherwise, everything else is well and I'm a bit boring really =_=
Placement finished and I don't think i've ever been quite so happy so at least thats a possitive :)

Wednesday 27 June 2012

I Just want to Walk Away

Confused, tired and at the end of my tether.

If I could walk away now I damn well would, placement really shows me how far I have to go. At the end of my first year I should feel happy at my success but I don't because in hind sight it feels like nothing, exams are right around the corner and I’m dubious of my own ability to pass them. Placement = hard work, long hours and lots of questioning. I loved the Midwife Led Unit then they moved me to the high-risk delivery suite and I was lost, it's so medical and so not what birth should be like. It definitely made me think that community midwifery is better suited to me, although I didn't know it at the time it was honestly amazing. I am really dreading next year when all the placements I have are on delivery suite :( I can barely manage a month let alone over half my time there next year. It's not hell but it’s close to it!

I have had a few days off which I was supposed to use to do work but instead I decided it was much more fun to rearrange my room, that’s how desperate I was. I put the PRO in Procrastination! One more week left then I get 2 weeks revision time, which means my room, will be immaculate due to the fact that I would much rather avoid work.

Sunday 10 June 2012

Am I nearly there yet?

  Tired is a word that doesn't even come close to how I'm feeling right now. Which is the reason for me ignoring everything other than work, my washing pile is now sky high and my diet has now become anything that I can grab and eat in 5 seconds flat. The short shifts on delivery make it seem like I never leave, it is so different from the MLBU it's ridiculous. I've gone from lovely water births and natural births to seeing every woman with an epidural, CTG and all laying on the bed. Everything I learnt in the first 2 weeks is being scrubbed off for a more high-risk approach. It is sad because women don't understand the possibilities that they have regarding childbirth and how a few metre from delivery to the MLBU can be the difference between natural and medicalised.
  I think many other people in the cohort are suffering and struggling to get their heads round the placement it's supposed to be a low risk normal placement but it's so difficult to get nice normal births. You can't help thinking that maybe doctors and midwives interfere when there is no need to.
  While I am at my rant, I’ve also started to get a bee in my bonnet about pain relief during labour. When it is low risk women cope by mobilising, using water, Paracetamol and a bit of Entonox but when you look at the delivery suite pain relief it's Entonox, Pethidine or epidural! It seriously makes me want to scream! I don't know if it's my mentor who is uncomfortable with women making noise but she is very quick to get in the room and give that woman stronger pain relief even though she may be coping very well.

Rant over :)

Saturday 26 May 2012

Nothing to worry about

After my first day I was left feeling both completely knackered and euphoric, who knew a job was able to make anyone feel like that. I'm so lucky! However, getting up at 5:30 am on a weekend isn't my idea of a good one but if it means I get to do what I do it's all worth it. The team are so lovely and I was Lucky enough to have my first shift with one of the girls from my cohort so when it was quiet we would become little explorers in a HUGE alien world that is the hospital.
Anyway I caught one and that was fairly scary I knew that I was going to be hands on when my mentor asked me what size gloves I wear... That was enough to put me in a mad panic, although I am developing a skill called professionalism, which basically means panic but on the inside and smile on the outside :) that takes a bit of work to perfect!

Saturday 19 May 2012

I must not panic

So University life is near enough over for the time being, which means entering into the labour ward...

The fact that everyone says it will all be fine doesn't really make it any easier, plus having to
get out of bed a 5:30am in the morning doesn't help.
At the minute I would call my preparation for labour ward as panic revision, we've been given a session on newborn resuscitation and a bit around the stages of labour but the rest is still a bit of a blur to me! There's lots of ends that need tying and things that need doing, Thankfully I only have 3 12.5 hour shifts next week which means 4 days off :)

On the brighter side, my plant has decided to go crazy and give me some very pretty purple flowers which is nice, however my little tree isn't looking so fantastic. Not sure what I've done to upset it but it's definitely not happy.

The other day I was thinking that I'm going to have to start taking some things home with me because there is so much crap building up here that I won't be able to get it home all in one go. This is a job I am not looking forward to because it will mean that I will have to have a clear out, which is my least favourite thing to do.

Friday 11 May 2012

One week left

 One week remaining until labour ward is tackled, I have my first shifts on the low risk ward so I will be able to get some nice low risk births in. I only have to do three shifts a week for the first 2 weeks because they are 12.5 hour shifts so although having 4 days off is lovely I still have to do three night shifts on the trot, I can only imagine my marvellous mood at the end of that.

 The revision process is well underway, the only problem is that as soon as I think I know something they throw something new at me and I’m back to square one. After my little strop about my essay I soon recovered and was back the grind of reading =_=

 This week was lovely we had a 3-day week, which is more than enough and yesterday I was left to my own devices to revise what I fancied. Today we were put through our paces with circulation of the fetus and how it changes. Safe to say my brain almost gave up, never the less I’m really enjoying module 3. It involves a hell of a lot more input that the past two modules but I can understand why.  The fear of labour ward is enough to make anyone study their asses off, so as not to look like a complete idiot when your there.


Ps. Accidentally dyed my hair pink, that should make everyone laugh at home xx

Friday 4 May 2012


Found out today that I passed my last assignment, which is good.
However I had to fight back a bit of disappointment as it is a LOT lower than my first graded essay and although I found it harder and spent a lot more time on it, It is still not all that higher grade,  a pass though and that's all I wanted.

Moving on another week crossed off the calender and in 15 days delivery suite is calling- Something else to stress about. The prep that I've done for the placement though is good and having my outcomes to look at means that I kind of know what I'm aiming for.
Revision for exams has commenced and everything is just bobbing along nicely so I refuse to get worked up about the essay score, It's a pass, it's what I needed and I got it. So don't have any reason to complain.

Ps. Father could you please send me a picture of our new pond/swamp, sounds like an interesting project to be starting in the middle of our wettest drought in history.
A picture of ginger puss would be appreciated to :)

Friday 27 April 2012

Has it only been a week?

  Module 3 hit me like a brick wall. The lessons are long and crammed with things I have to remember for the exams. My brain is currently in a state of shock due to the amount of things that I've been trying to cram into it. The revision guide has been started and already and I feel like I'm writing a book.
 Drug calculations are the next hurdle I have to overcome, to be honest they're not difficult, the problem is as soon as I hear maths the panic button in my brain gets pushed and I'm screwed.
  EBL presentation is coming along nicely and I plan to do a bit more research on the pelvic floor muscle as it's still a bit confusing for me...

Lots to do and not much time to do it in =_=